The Power of Cohorts and Community for Learning

I'm now on Day 7 of Ship 30 for 30, and I finally understand Skool and Hormozi's investment a lot better.

The Problem of Online Courses #

Here's a straight-up fact: only about 5-15% of people finish their online courses. Think about that for a second. If a hundred people sign up, maybe just five to fifteen cross the finish line.

The information alone doesn't hold attention, and solo learning lacks drive—I see it in my own overflowing Gumroad library. 🙈

Cue in some accountability buddies #

Ship 30 on Skool works differently with its cohort model. We start and aim to finish together, transforming us from a group of students into a team.

And that's where cohorts and communities make a big difference. They turn learning into a shared journey, not a lonely trek. Communities support each other. They share goals and push each other to reach them.

Imagine trying to run every morning alone. Now, imagine running with a friend who waits for you every morning. Which one keeps you more motivated?

Completion rates at least doubled #

Studies show that learning in groups significantly increases completion rates. For example, in a community-focused course setup, around 36% of students complete their courses. That's more than double the usual rates!

So, for me as a learner, the shift from just selling access to information to creating engaging learning communities is a game changer. By building spaces where learners interact, help and hold each other accountable, it is ensured that more students cross the finish line, myself included.

How many unfinished courses do you own? Hit me up on Twitter and shoot me your count, so we can compare numbers 🤣
